Heat ratings vary from publisher to publisher, but to help keep things simple and consistent with my previous work, the wonderful team over at RoseLark Publishing have kindly allowed me to use theirs!  In order to keep things sex-positive and non-judgmental (in either direction) the guide is based on the Scoville scale for judging peppers. For more in-depth info about individual books, you can also check the content warnings included in the online descriptions of all my books. Happy reading! : )

No Heat: 0

This is your meal sans peppers. Stories with this rating will include no sex, no kissing, no violence, no cursing, and no innuendo.

Mild Heat: 1

This is your bell pepper. Stories with this rating will include no sex, some kissing but without description, mild violence or mentions of violence, mild cursing, and vague hints of innuendo.

Medium Heat: 2

This is your banana pepper. Stories with this rating will include no sex, kissing with description, some mild foreplay, some violence, non-sexual depictions of nudity, some cursing, and light innuendo.

Medium-High Heat: 3

This is your jalapeno pepper. Stories with this rating may include fade-to-black or literary sex, heated kissing, heavy petting levels of foreplay, graphic descriptions of violence, mild sexual nudity, heavy cursing, and/or heavy innuendo.

High Heat: 4

This is your cayenne pepper. Stories with this rating may include on-the-page sex including potentially mild kinks, graphic descriptions of violence, and/or heavy cursing.

Extreme Heat: 5

This is your scotch bonnet pepper. Stories with this rating may include explicit sex including heavy kinks, graphic descriptions of violence, and/or heavy cursing.